HR Policy and Manual


Policy manuals are developed to help staff and management teams run the organization. In best use situations, policies play a strategic role in an organization. They are developed in light of the mission and objectives of the company and they become the media by which management’s plans, rules, intents, and business processes become documented and communicated to all staff.

Carefully drafted and standardized policies and procedures save the company countless hours of management time. The consistent use and interpretation of such policies, in an even handed and fair manner, reduces management’s concern about legal issues becoming legal problems. There is more about the legal aspects of policy later in this section.

Policy manuals and their close relative the employee handbook should be an important part of the operation. They should be the first thing given to a new employee (either in hard copy of an electronic version). 
Consider the benefits of written policies; a set of written guidelines for human resource decisions. Better yet, think about the benefits of the process of developing policies.

 The process your company management team undergoes when  comparing the policy alternatives, understanding their importance, and evaluating your company’s current practices will help you to develop your company’s guidelines and procedures that will make your organization a better run entity.
Consider the benefits of better communication within your organization.

 A policy manual is a means of communication with employees; it is first a way to communicate to employees the
management rules and guidelines of the organization. Employees want and need that type of guidance in black and white. In addition, policies help to organize and announce management’s plans for growth, and they communicate the company’s investment in its
employees by explaining employee benefits and workplace issues.
As a company’s policies are developed they become a framework for consistency and fairness. Polices define management’s standards for making decisions on various personnel and organizational issues. Clearly defined procedures and standards, spawned from polices that are well thought out, express the company’s intent to make consistent and evenhanded decisions. Not enough can be said about the value that comes from policy creation. Policy can help an organization run at its most efficient and effective level. That alone may bring value through cost savings and additional revenue. However, if done correctly, policies
can bring more value by accurately reflecting the company’s philosophy of business and employee relations as they demonstrate your creativity in solving policy issues, the competitive position of the company in providing a variety of employee benefits, and respect and appreciation for human resource management. This type of message can go a long way towards promoting staff loyalty and everyone knows that staff longevity is a valuable asset.
There is also a legal aspect of policies. They are a means to protect the legal interests of a company. The company’s policies and procedures in many ways define the rights and obligations of the employee and the company. The policy manual is an expression of
the rules governing the employment relationship. Today, more than ever, a company must protect its rights within that relationship by adopting policies that are fair to both sides, clearly stated, and legally permissible.

1. Interview Process
2.Induction & Orientation
3.New Entrant Guidebook
4.Job Description & Kra’s
5.Employee Development Review
6.Performance Linked Rewards
7.Training & Development
8.Employee Cost
9.Job Rotations
10.  Work Environment
11.  Employee Perception & Feedback
12.  Birthday Greetings
13.  Library/Books & Periodicals
14.  Internship/Project Students/ Guest Lectures
15.  Placement Consultants
16.  Dress Code
17.  Leave/ Comp Off/ Holidays
18.  Notice Period
19.  Exit Interview
20.  Arrangement/ Hospitality To Visitors
21. Hard Furnishing Entitlemen
22. Mobile Phone/ Residence Phone Facility
23. Car Loan / Car Facility
24. Marriage Gift
25. Salary Loan
26. Salary Advance
27. Housing Facility
28. Social Security Benefits
29. Annual Health Check
30. Perks For Social Status
31. Travel Rules
32. Foreign Travel Rules
33. City Compensatory Allowance
34. Transfer Policy
35. Local Conveyance Reimbursement
36. Discount On Company Products

* Note above policy format is just for reference,it may vary ....